Tuesday, August 01, 2006

circuit;strength;martial arts

Bar complexes:
10 x DL, row, curl, clean, press, GM, squat @ 45, 65
2 rounds x 5 x DL, row, clean, press, GM, squat @ 95 (broken)

Weighted pullups:
5 x bw + 25
5 x bw + 35
3 x bw + 45
1 x bw + 70


Half the kickboxing class + no gi class. Josh held the pads for me, so I got some good work in. He also gave a little clinch coaching at the end.

Floyd Sword came up from Farmington and taught the BJJ class--he had just fought a pro MMA match on Saturday, then came in and rolled with all of us in row. Interesting stuff--the "Darce" series into the anaconda choke off of either a guard pass or a shrimp attempt from side top.

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