Monday, July 31, 2006

endurance--short road run

49 minutes on CR314 at lunch. Hot and humid by Colorado standards. Felt slow and sluggish, but at least my foot held up.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

endurance; martial arts

Ran 65 minutes, Raider Ridge upper loop trails. Took it fairly easy with some harder intervals on the steep sections. Foot feels good so far!

Then kickboxing class followed by open mat at DMA. Did some super-light sparring with Chris during the kickboxing class; lots of fun.

Friday, July 28, 2006


10 x alternate DB bench @ 40, 45, 45 (5 each arm)
10 x walking lunge steps @ 2 x 45s
10 x KTEs

3 rounds, untimed.

bar complexes:
10 each x DL, bent row, curl, hang clean, overhead press, good morning, squat
3 rounds @ 45, 55, 65, with short rest after the curls due to grip fatigue. All other sets done without setting down the bar.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

circuit; "Nicole"

50 air squats
21 pullups
21 dips
10 hang power clean @ 95

3 rounds.

Time: 20:34. Worked on keeping good form on the HPCs.

Finished with 3 x 20 atomic situps.

endurance; short

29 minutes on CR223. Foot felt OK but not yet fully normal--hence the short time.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006


Kickboxing class followed by no-gi BJJ class at DMA. Good class. Still feeling pain in my sternum when on the bottom.

Monday, July 24, 2006

experimentation day

Ran for 13 minutes to test out the foot. It felt weak, but no sharp pains. I'll see how it feels tonight/tomorrow and decide whether to try running longer.

Then ran over to the rec ctr and played around:

10 x alternate DB incline bench @ 45 (5 each arm)
5 x sumo DB squat clean @ 45s
2 rounds, then 2 more rounds @ 35s

Bar complex @ 45:
10 each x DL, row, curl, hang clean, overhead press, overhead squat

Screwed around on the pullup bar with misc pullups & KTEs.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

last week

Spent last week on vacation in WA. Visited Ron's school for some matwork. Did a few sprints on the rower. Did a few circuits of flying burpees + walking lunges. In general, however, took it easy and let my foot heal up.

Thursday, July 13, 2006


5 x pullups @ BW + 25
10 x alternate DB incline bench press @ 45 (5 each arm)
5 x DB sumo full squat clean @ 2 x 45 DBs

5 rounds. Untimed, but tough.

2 x 20 reps atomic situps
3 x 5 slow KTEs

Wednesday, July 12, 2006


Foot is still injured.

snatch + 5 x OHS @ 65, 75, 85, 95, 105 (105 was a press-out on the snatch)
clean + 5 x front squat @ 115, 115, 115, 115, 115

5 x 10 bar dips @ BW

Tuesday, July 11, 2006


Warmup: hang cleans w/ bar.

20 x incline alternate DB press @ 35 (10 each arm)
10 x deadlift @ 135
10 x pullup

5 rounds, untimed. Good combo.

3 x 20 seated Russian twist @ 35# plate.
Misc bar dips.

Monday, July 10, 2006

circuit; BJJ

5 pullups + 10 pushups + 15 air squats
8 rounds in 7 minutes

Evening: gi BJJ class.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

circuit; light work

Part 1:

5 pullups + 10 pushups + 15 squats
many rounds, untimed

Part 2:
30 seconds work, 10 seconds rest:
KB swing @ 36
punching blitz on Spar Pro
Approx 8 minutes

Part 3:
30 seconds work, 10 seconds rest:
KB swing @ 53
punching blitz on Spar Pro
Approx 5 minutes

Saturday, July 08, 2006


No workouts since Tuesday due to foot injury and working in Durango to facilitate Ian dropoff/pickup while Kim was away.

Kickboxing and no-gi BJJ at DMA. Foot is still mysteriously injured from last week. Probably shouldn't have done the kickboxing class. A new guy kneed himself in the eye within 2 minutes of light rolling with me and needed 5 stitches to close the cut.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

circuit; upper body

Woke up this morning to more serious pain in my right foot. Went to the gym and did:

100 pullups (ladder 1-10-1)
alternated with
incline alternate DB bench @ 25, 30, 35 x 20 and/or misc abs

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

endurance; intermediate trail run

Trail run in Horse Gulch area. Unknown distance. Time 1:53. Avg HR 137. 1470' climb.

The outside of my right ankle has been bothering me on long downhills lately, also my right knee. Feeling pretty good on the uphills.

When we camped at South Mineral Ck the other night, I slept funny and my left shoulder has been sore since; I haven't felt like doing upper body work.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

endurance; hike/climb/run; Ice Lakes Basin

Hiked to 12,500' in upper Ice Lakes Basin w/ Kim. We were going to climb Golden Horn, but she was worried about the weather. Ran most of the downhill after the lower basin. Total time 4 hours 8 minutes.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

endurance; intermediate trail run

Trail run Dry Fork-Hoffheins-Colorado loop plus a bit. Slow and easy. Time 2:08. Had a bad sugar crash near the beginning and had to stop and wait for my Gu to kick in. Avg HR 133.

Need to get in more long stuff; I felt out of shape for this, and it was probably only 9.5 miles or so.