Saturday, December 31, 2005

moderate trail run

Sale Barn->Cowboy->Big Cyn loop. ~8.5 miles. Ran with DMT for the first part. Took several breaks; Marjorie took a nasty fall on the upper well road.

Time 1:36.

Friday, December 30, 2005

moderate run CR314

5.5 miles on CR314 with a few pickups on uphills.

Time 50:45, avg HR 150 (but this is suspect; HRM was flaky for first 10 mins or so).

Thursday, December 29, 2005

another crossfit leg day

Shoulder still tweaked.

Jog to & from rec ctr.
Variations on drills from the Parisi DVD


3 rounds of:

8 x back squat @ 135
8 x standing broad jump
16 x walking lunge (no weight)
16 x box jump
24 x air squats
24 x right arm DB snatch @ 20# db

Time 15:30. Tough one.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

lower body crossfit

Shoulder is still tweaked, so I'm resting it.

Jog to rec ctr. Parisi drills from the "Training for Warriors" DVD.

10 bar weaves
20 box jumps
30 walking lunges
40 air squats
30 walking lunges
20 box jumps
10 bar weaves
after each set, 20 situps and 20 back extensions
(140 total each)
Time 14:36

Not particularly hard.

zercher shot lunges out of the rack

Jog up CR 314 and back, with a couple sprint pickups.

Monday, December 26, 2005

slow trail run/hike to Gudy's

With Kim, Colorado trail from 2nd trailhead, to Gudy's Rest. 6+ miles slow hike/jog; untimed; ~90 minutes including snack break at the top. ~1000 ft climb.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

trail tempo run; Raider Ridge; PR

Trail Run:
Horse Gulch->Rocky Road->Raider Ridge loop
tempo pace; 5+ miles; 940 feet climb on the Suunto
Time 50:52

Previous recorded PR is 50:41, but I started my watch at the parking lot instead of at the gate as usual, so this is almost certainly a PR by 20-30 seconds. Didn't wear HR monitor.

Back of my shoulder joint is very sore from something I did yesterday. Will need to take at least a few days off to heal it up.

Friday, December 23, 2005

Crossfit w/ Mike

Part 1: slam, push, swing lite

5 x ball slam @ 20
10 x pushup
15 x DB swing @ 35

5 rounds. Time 5:35

10 x ball slam @ 10
5 x pushup
15 x DB swing @ 25

6 rounds. Time: 5:20

Part 2: lunge, throw, drag, pull, push

10 pullups, 1-arm overhead walking lunge @ 25 to top of driveway, 10 pushups
10 pullups, ball throw & chase @ 20 to top of driveway, 10 pushups
10 pullups, tire drag @ tire + 45 to top of driveway, 10 pushups

Me: 5:20. Mike: 5:10
Mike did assisted pullups (band + me assisting), 2-hand overhead lunges, and knee pushups

We also did a fun 'workout' with Ian where he pushed his toy wheelbarrow, did a toddler pushup, and a jump for several rounds.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

run; snowshoe w/ bro

Mike is here for a couple days. Ran Animas City Mtn in 1:17, avg HR 152, ~6.5 miles, ~1500+ ft climb.

Then drove up to Molas Pass and snowshoed for a couple of hours. Did some deep-powder wallowing that was a good workout.

Pretty tired now; 4 days on in a row.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

ME cleans, 1-arm BB snatch


OHS & 1-arm BB snatch @ bar

3 x 115
2 x 130
2 x 135
1 x 140, 145, 145, 145

Finished with more 1-arm BB snatch @ bar, 50, 55.

Played around with a "2-hands anyhow" lift using the bar and a 10# DB, but I really need to work the bent press more to do it correctly.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

crossfit WOD chipper

Run to and from rec ctr.

25 Walking lunge steps
20 Pull-ups
70 Box jumps, onto gym bench (18”?)
25 Bar dips
20 Knees to elbows
30 Dumbbell swings, 55 pounds
30 Sit-ups
20 Hang squat cleans, 35 pound dumbells
25 Back extensions
30 Wall ball shots, 15 pound ball
45 pullups

Time 25:27. The last set of pullups took forever.

One-arm BB snatch and bent press practice. Need to remember to look at bar during bent press.

Monday, December 19, 2005

pullups, KTEs, man-makers

Jogged to and from the gym.

1-2-3-4-5-5-4-3-2-1 x
man-maker @ 20# dbs.

Time: 14:19. Didn't take it particularly hard; my first real workout since being sick.

1-armed barbell snatch practice @ 45# bar
Very cool--this is the first time I've tried these, inspired by Lee. Not as hard as I thought.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

still slow

Did about 3 miles or so slow on CR223 today. Took the inlaws to ABQ yesterday and visited Lee; trained a bit. His Eleiko Oly-lifting bar is amazing. Hopefully I'll be able to train for real tomorrow.

Friday, December 16, 2005

very light workout

Still not entirely over the cold--this has been a bad one.

Did 5 rounds of "Cindy", not for time.

Monday, December 12, 2005

climbing wall

Just played around on the climbing wall today. Still sick.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

just a little hanging/pulling work

Still have the cold. Just did some pullups/hanging ab work/lockoffs/etc playing around in the garage.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

SAR training; under the weather

Avalanche training at Red Mountain. Not very strenuous. Slammed my knee REALLY hard on a rock, and now Ian has given me his cold. I could feel myself fighting it off for days, but now I actually have it...

Friday, December 09, 2005


A Gym Jones standard, "11", at home in the driveway:

5 x ball slam @ 20# ball
10 pushups (parallelettes)
15 DB swings @ 35#

11 rounds. Time: 14:45.

The swings are supposed to be with a 53 pound kettlebell (hence '11-'), but a 35 DB is all I have until Santa brings me my KB. Doing this with 53# will be rough!

Finished with 10 very slow rafter pullups, lever practice on rings, and 41 walking lunges back to the house.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

crossfit; squat-pull-push-clean

Did the workout from the famous "Women of Crossfit" video, substituting 3 pullups and 3 dips for each muscle-up:

50 air squats
21 pullups (kipping)
21 bar dips
10 hang cleans @ 95

3 rounds. Time: 16:40.

3 x 20 single DB split box DL @ 60

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

off--Ian sick

Had to take care of the I-man today.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

ME DL; "man-maker" ladders


Worked up to max single @ 265 (tied PR)
Failed at 275
triple @ 225

"Man-Maker" ladders a la Gym Jones:

6-5-4-3-2-1-2-3-4-5-6 @ 20# DBs, alternate w/ KTEs
41 reps total
done on round DBs, not hexagonal
Time 14:55

"Man-Maker": pushup on DBs, row each DB single handed while in pushup position, clean & press DBs, repeat

Monday, December 05, 2005


Max Pullup Test: 21 (no kip)

5 rounds of:
6 x one-arm db swing, each arm
overhead walking lunge, 8 steps
pullup & 5 second lockoff w/ DB between ankles
overhead walking lunge, 8 steps

27.5# DB. Time 9:52. Probably should have used a heavier weight.

Max Pullup Test: 15 (no kip)

3 x 25 single DB split box DL @ 50

a couple of one-arm lockoffs with band assist
handstand practice

Sunday, December 04, 2005


Rode the train with la familia today. No training.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

intermediate trail run

Same as last weekend, solo:
Sale Barn->Cowboy->Big Cyn->South Rim loop
~9 miles (per DMT folks last week)


Felt strong. Though it felt fast (for me), I'm not convinced I can actually run trails at that pace for 9 miles, so I wonder if the DMT mileage estimate is long.

Avg HR 150; max 164

Friday, December 02, 2005

misc strength

OHS: worked up to several sets of 6 x 85

Breathing DB Swing ladder: up to 1-10 @ 50 (not to failure)

3 x 20 each:
Bar Dips
Single Split box DB DL @ 50

Olympic form practice (snatch & clean)

Lever & lockoff practice

Thursday, December 01, 2005

crossfit; "Lucy"

Kurt did this with me and decided to call this one "Lucy".

8 walking lunges
5 push press
8 walking lunge
5 pullups
10 second lockoff at top of pullup

Preferably, do not drop DBs during 1st three, or come off bar during 2nd three.
1 round unweighted to warmup.
5 rounds @ 30# DBs on lunges & push press. Time: 12:21 -- still not feeling 100%, so took rest as needed

Misc lockoff & lever practice

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

climbing wall

I seem to be fighting off a cold (or already have one...), so took it easy again with a climbing wall play day over lunch

Tuesday, November 29, 2005


Chaotic day at work; and I'm catching a cold. Had a great birthday workout planned ("222", or 37 x 6), but it will have to wait.

Monday, November 28, 2005

climbing wall; recovery day

30 minutes or so on the climbing wall w/ Kurt; took it pretty easy. Recovery day.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

intermediate trail run; "Angie"

First Workout (AM):
Sale Barn->Cowboy->Big Canyon->South Rim loop

1:35, Avg HR 137, ~9 miles(?)

Felt pretty good. Ran with the DMT weekend group.

Second Workout (PM):
"Angie" -- 100 pullups (kipping, parallel grip, mostly sets of 5)
100 pushups (mostly sets of 5-10 with very short rests)
100 situps (feet anchored w/ DBs, hands free)
100 air squats
Done in that order.
Total Time: 23:25
Splits: 10:17, 4:43, 4:46, 3:38

First time doing this one. Interesting workout.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

San Juan climb/hike

Went out with Kurt, Aaron, and Rob B. to attempt Sultan and Grand Turk peaks from Molas Pass, but a storm was rolling in. We climbed what Rob calls "Buffalo Ridge" south of Grand Turk instead, since the snow was flying and the wind was getting pretty wild. Probably about 12,500 feet.

Friday, November 25, 2005

pull and dip

100 pullups (kipping, parallel grip)
80 ring dips

Time: 18:50

Last time I did alternating sets of 3; this time I did mini-groups of 10 on pullups and 5 on dips until I hit 100 and 50 respectively at around 14 minutes. Then focused just on dips until I called the exercise at 80 ring dips due to an un-good feeling in my shoulder.

It's definitely harder to do the bigger sets instead of alternating 3s.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Thanksgiving workout: drag, push, pull, etc.

ball slams @ 10, lunges, pushups

Part 1: 3 rounds of
10 x DB thruster @ 25# DBs
uphill tire drag @ tire + 45, to garage
10 pullups
(drag tire downhill to DBs)

Time 8:29

Rest 60-90 seconds,
then Part 2: 3 rounds of
10 x ball slam @ 20# (+ 1 penalty for missed catch)
10 x ring dip

Time 5:12

ice tool pullups
lever practice
31 uphill walking lunges to house

K. tried her first Crossfit workout:
5 rounds of {5 plank pulls, 5 knee pushups, 5 ball throw & chase @ 10}
Time 5:42, a strong mental effort

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

slow trail run

Ran the short Log Chutes loop with K., who just started training again. Very slow; 5.5 miles or so in 66 minutes. Great weather.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

conventional strength day

Warmup: snatch, OHS @ bar

135 x 5, snatch grip
Triples @ 185, 205, 215, 225, 225, 225

10 x bw
6 x bw +25
3 x 6 @ bw + 35

Tucked Lever Practice

Monday, November 21, 2005

"tears & power" variation

DB swing @ 50 5-10-15-20
KTE 20-5-10-15
Weighted Pushup 15-20-5-10
Air Squats 10-15-20-5

Time 11:11

Toes touched ground on some KTE reps.

Single DB Split Box DL:
30 x 50#
20 x 50#

Tucked lever practice.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

intermediate run

Sale Barn->Cowboy->Well Road->Sidewinder->Top of Suicide Hill->out and back

~11-12 miles, 2:20. Avg HR 142. ~1400 ft climb according to Suunto.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

a token effort

Long drive back from Denver; did some pullups, ball slams, swings, pushups but couldn't motivate myself for a really hard effort.

Friday, November 18, 2005

Denver; hotel

Ran 28 minutes outside. Pavement--no fun!

Didn't have time for any calisthenics today.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Denver; hotel

Ran 24 minutes outside on the road, then the same burpee/pushup/squat combo as yesterday, this time in 7:01.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Denver; hotel

15 minutes on the Boredom Machine
21, 15, 9 x
elevated pushup
air squat

Time: 8:11; not particularly inspired.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Denver; hotel

Ran 15 mins on the boredom machine, then 10 minutes up and down the 7 flights of stairs. Forgot to count reps.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Denver; snow

Snowing heavy today; stuck in the hotel.

Did a bunch of pushups and air squats; that's it.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Front Range run

Drove to Denver for work. Ran at Mayer Open Space park near Aspen Hills in Turkey Ck Cyn.

Approx 8.5 miles, 1:34. ~1600 ft. climb.

Friday, November 11, 2005

slam, push, swing

This one needs a name of its own!

15 minutes of:

5 x ball slam @ 10# ball
10 x parallelette pushup
15 x DB swing @ 35

11 rounds in 14:30.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

"180" -- squat variation

Felt like I needed some back squat work instead of standard DLs today. Went with 95 since I haven't done them in ages.

15 pullups
30 back squat @ 95
30 pushups
30 standing broad jumps
30 floor wipers @ 100
30 1-arm DB clean & jerk @ 30
15 pullups

Time 9:52

Misc: tucked levers, pushups, DB bob-and-weaves

2 x 20 single DB box deadlift @ 50

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

off -- a bit under the weather

Had a flu vaccination yesterday; feeling a bit sluggish today with the immune system response, so I took a rest day.

Recently finished "The End of Faith" for the second time through; excellent book. See

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

conventional strength day -- new PRs!

Worked up to PR single @ 265

Weighted Pullups:
12 x bw + 25 (probable PR)
6 x bw + 35
6 x bw + 45

Weighted Dips:
6 x bw + 25
6 x bw + 35
6 x bw + 45

Push Press:
Worked up to doubles @ 125

Monday, November 07, 2005

"tears and power"

Based on a Gym Jones workout:

DBSwing @ 50# 5-10-15-20 reps
Knees-to-Elbows 20-5-10-15 reps
Weighted Push-up @ +25# 15-20-5-10 reps
Squats 10-15-20-5 reps

Time: 12:47

Single DB Box deadlift @ 50:
30 reps
20 reps

Sunday, November 06, 2005

longish run--Jones Creek

Jones Creek->Pinkerton Flagstaff South (out and back)

~12-13 miles slow
~2700 ft climb (Suunto watch)

Perfect fall weather. Felt pretty good; stopped a couple of times to talk to folks on the trail.

Friday, November 04, 2005

low HR run

CR 314, 5.5 miles, 57:30

Avg HR 139

Thursday, November 03, 2005

lunge and push

3 rounds of:

12 walking lunge steps forward, then back @ zero, 20, 25 DBs
12 weighted pushups @ +25 plate
10 bar dips
55, 35, 15 pushups

Forgot to set timer.

Misc tucked levers.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005


A wimpy version of the Gym Jones "300" workout that nearly destroyed me a couple weeks ago:

12 pullups
25 deadlift @ 135
25 pushups
25 broad jumps
25 floor wipers @ 70
25 one arm DB clean & jerk @ 25
13 pullups

Time 8:49. Avg HR 157 Max HR 183

30 DB box deadlift @ 50
Misc tucked levers & KTEs

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Crossfit: strict 'Cindy' lite

14.5 minutes of:
5 pullups
10 pushups
15 squats

Strict--pullups past shoulders, full parallelette pushups, very deep squats

Stopped at 13 rounds due to pain in right knee during deep squats

Various KTE and tucked levers

Monday, October 31, 2005

short run

At lunch:
Animas Mtn, ~35 mins easy.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

moderate run; short crossfit

Run 1:49 slow. Sale Barn->Cowboy->Well Road Extension->Big Canyon->South Rim->Well Road->Cowboy->Sale Barn
Avg HR: 133

21 ice tool pullups + med ball chase @ 20 + 21 pushups on ball + ball carry back
15 ice tool pullups + med ball chase @ 20 + 15 pushups on ball + ball carry back
9 ice tool pullups + med ball chase @ 20 + 9 pushups on ball

Time 6:53

Did this with Aaron; his first Crossfit. He did assisted pullups. His comments: "My arms have never felt like this before" and "I have a weird taste in my mouth"

9, 6, 3 x {thruster @ 35 DBs, tire drag @ 45)
Time: 2:41

Misc walking lunges.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

upper body strength-endurance

For time:
100 ice-tool pullups
100 ring dips

Time: 19:24

Started out feeling pretty easy, got pretty tough at the end trying to make sure I broke 20 minutes. Pullups were a mixture of strict and kipping. Did 33 sets of 3 each, plus 1.

Thursday, October 27, 2005



6 x 3 DL @ 185, slow & concentrating on form at bottom
misc pushups, tucked levers, pullups, standing broad jumps

Group trail run. Sale Barn/Cowboy loop. Time: 1:07.
Avg HR 142.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

lunch run; crossfit

CR 314. 5.5 miles.
Time: 51:46
Avg HR: 148 Max HR: 167

Mailbox-to-Mailbox, alternate 5 walking lunges and 5 push press, with 45# bar
Time: 8:13

Miscellaneous pullups, pushups, tucked levers, overhead carry w/ bar

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

lunchtime run; then crossfit later

At lunch:

County RD 314, 5.5 miles, 51:32.

After work:

3 rounds of:
10 x front squat @ 95
tire drag @ tire +45



21 ice tool pullups + med ball chase @ 20 + 21 pushups on ball + carry ball back to base
15 ice tool pullups + med ball chase @ 20 + 15 pushups on ball + carry ball back to base
9 ice tool pullups + med ball chase @ 20 + 9 pushups on ball

Time: 8:24; Avg HR 161, Max HR 178

Saturday, October 22, 2005

moderate run

Sale Barn-->Cowboy-->Well Road-->Sidewinder-->Carbon Junction-->Frontage Road

Unknown distance. Time 1:39. Legs felt tired.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

crossfit lite; group trail run

Lunch Workout:
Warmup: overhead squats @ bar

15 x clean high pull @ 95
30 bar dips
30 pushups
30 pullups
15 x clean high pull @ 95


Technique practice on power clean; tucked levers.

Thursday Group Trail Run:
Colorado Trail from second trailhead to bridge, back to first trail head, then back to second trailhead. Unknown distance; one hour. Running in pretty much pitch black night for the last mile or two; had my headlamp but didn't use it.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

max effort day -- new PRs!


Worked up to a PR single of 255!

Weighted Pullup:

Worked up to a PR single of BW + 100

After work:
Some random ball slams, pullups, ball throw & chase

Tuesday, October 18, 2005


Bouldering at Boxcar w/ Aaron at lunch.

Monday, October 17, 2005

under the full moon

Missed the lunch workout due to the temptation of a free lunch; trained at home after putting I. to bed--K. away at a conference.

Warmup: 40 walking lunges

Crossfit WoD:

20 minutes of

25 pullups
50 pushups
75 air squats

Got three full rounds in 18-and-change, plus 40 extra squats to make up for my lapses in form on the 3rd round.

Then, 2 rounds of medicine ball throw-and-chase @ 20# ball.

40 more walking lunges to cool down.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Smelter loop run

Smelter Mountain loop: up the front, down the back. 6+ miles, very slow, 1:18. 1500+ climb--forgot to start the altimeter.

Avg HR: 142

IT bands felt tight on both sides--need to start putting in some regular longer runs again.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

easy upper body

5 minutes of:

5 pullups @ bw + 25
5 ring dips

on the minute, rest, then repeat

Total: 50 pullups @ bw+25, 50 ring dips

rest, then Tabata pushups

Friday, October 14, 2005

grip/cardio smoker

Warmup: pushups, air squats, overhead squats

5 rounds of:

5 x pullup @ bw + 35
8 walking lunges @ 45 DBs
5 x push press @ 45 DBs
8 walking lunges @ 45 DBs

Time: 10:26
Avg HR: 160, Max HR: 185

This is a rough one on the grip/cardio.

Hanging lever practice
2 x 10 overhead squat @ 65, 75

Thursday, October 13, 2005


Run/hike Smelter with Thursday night group. First run in 3 weeks. Felt pretty stiff, but made decent time to the top (~21 mins to towers).

Wednesday, October 12, 2005


Warmup: overhead squats, cleans with bar

3 x 135
3 x 185
3 x 3 @ 205 + 6 standing broadjumps after each set

DB Push Press:
3 x 45s
3 x 3 @ 50
Much harder than barbell push press!

Clean & Push Jerk:
3 x 95
2 x 3 @ 105

Weighted Pullup:
3 x 3 @ +50

A little hanging ab work.

Monday, October 10, 2005

more upper body

21, 15, 9 reps of:

DB push press @ 35

3 rounds of:

10 L pullups
20 squats

Isometric ab practice hanging from bar.

Felt pretty unmotivated today.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

easy day

crappy weather, legs still incredibly sore.

50 kipping pullups in 4:10
a ton of pushups (didn't count)
50 kipping pullups in 4:40

isometric ab work on rings and ice tools

Saturday, October 08, 2005

post 300...

Walking down the stairs today is... interesting. Definitely going to have to do more of that kind of stuff.

Had to work most of the Saturday today on a network switchover, so no training.

Reading "Consilience" by E.O. Wilson. Very interesting.

Friday, October 07, 2005

"300" variation

Take off from Gym Jones.

25 pullups (kipping, unbroken!)
50 deadlift @ 95 (sets of 10-15)
50 pushups (25, 15, 10 I think)
50 standing broad jump (sets of 5-10, brutal!)
50 floor wiper @ 22 pound bar (25, 15, 10, killed my average HR here)
50 DB thruster @ 25 DBs (sets of 10)
25 pullups (8, 7, 5, 5)

~22 minutes (forgot to start timer until after first pullup set, 20:45 thereafter)

Avg HR 159, Max HR 178

Rest ~ 5 minutes, then

DB bench, worked 45, 50, 55 x 5, 60 x 3

Wobbly legs, going to be sore tomorrow!

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Max Effort PRs!

Warmup: overhead squats, pushups

Weighted Pullup:
Worked up to a 1 rep max of BW+90 -- PR!
Need to strengthen my forearm flexors and my top range/lockoff.

3 x 135
3 x 185
3 x 205
3 x 215
3 x 225 (3 RM PR!)
1 x 245 (1 RM PR!)

My top end on the DL feels pretty strong. Need to work on getting off the floor.

Front Squat:
3 x 135
2 x 135, fail on 3rd rep (tired!)

Need to work my deep squat range.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Sky Ute Scuffle

A variation on the Gym Jones "School Yard Scuffle 2", with no rowing machine:

3 rounds of 1 minute each of sumo dead high pull, pushups, DB swings, pullups. Four minutes per round total, with 1 minute break between rounds.

Round 1:
20 x SDHP @ 65
35 x pushups
17 x DB swing @ 40
14 x pullups

Total: 86 reps, Avg HR 164, Max HR 181

Round 2:
15 x SDHP @65
25 x pushups
15 x DB swing @ 40
12 x pullups

Total: 67 reps, Avg HR 168, Max HR 183

Round 3:
15 x SDHP @65
25 x pushups
15 x DB swing @ 40
12 x pullups

Total: 67 reps, Avg HR 167, Max HR 176

Total Reps for Workout = 220

Afterwards: 20 x floor wiper @ 45# bar

Monday, October 03, 2005

crossfit WOD

30, 25, 20, 15, 10, 5 reps of:

virtual shoveling

Started at the "men's" weight of 45, dropped to the women's weight of 25 when I felt like it was going to wreck my back midway through the first round.

Time: 7:48

Avg HR: 147
Max HR: 166

PS: I think I counted the reps wrong and did only half as many as the official CF site would

Sunday, October 02, 2005


20 minutes of:

5 pullups
10 pushups
15 air squats

21 reps. Not bad for 10 days off.

Avg HR 150
Max HR 172

Friday, September 30, 2005

easy upper body

Finally feeling better enough to train a bit.

5, 8 pullups

5 slow rounds of:

5 x pullup @ bw + 25
12 x bar dip

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Helen, plus other stuff

Warmup: overhead squats, air squats, pushups


3 rounds of

1/4 mi treadmill run
21 DB swing @ 50#
12 pullups

Time: 12:27, Avg HR 159, Max HR 182

Waiting for the treadmill to warm up kills my avg HR.

Rest 5 mins, then:

3 x DL @ 185 + 3 x standing long jump
3 x DL @ 195 + 3 x standing long jump
3 x DL @ 205 + 3 x depth jump off bench

1 x clean & push jerk @ 135 (tied PR!)

20 x bar dips

Workout 2 (evening):

Every minute, for 10 minutes:

5 pullups
5 ring dips

Total 50 each.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005


Warmup: overhead squats

25 pullups
25 one-arm DB clean & press @ 40, alternating arms
25 bar dips
25 deadlift @ 95
25 weighted pushups @ +10
25 burpees


Max HR: 184 (during deadlifts)
Avg HR: 153

The bar dips and weighted pushups lowered my average HR. Need something more complex here.


25 x floor wiper @ 22 pound bar
2 x 12 bar dips

Monday, September 19, 2005

bouldering; crossfit improv

Workout 1 (lunch):

bouldering at X-Rock (boxcar)

Workout 2 (evening):

Warmup: walking lunges, pushups

5 rounds of:

10 pullups
6 ball throw and chase @ 20# ball
10 ring dips
10 DB swing @ 35# DB

Time 12:55

Max HR: 161
Average HR: 145

Need to get that HR higher.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

climbing, and another SAR

Climbed two routes at East Animas with Aaron. Unknown names & rating. Cleaned the first one, fell on the second. Amazing views.

Had just gotten home and had to turn around for a mtn bike injury near Junction Creek. A short carry out on the wheel.

SAR mission

I was just getting ready to leave for a bike ride yesterday when we got a call for an injured hunter in the West Virginia Gulch area. It turned into a 10-hour mission with some good exercise. Injured ankle in very rough terrain.

Friday, September 16, 2005

"employee appreciation day"

Work paid for a train ride up to Cascade Wye today, followed by a picnic lunch. A few of us decided to hike out to Purg instead of riding the train back.

4-5 miles easy; ~2 hours, ~1800 ft climb.

Ate too much.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

conventional day

Workout 1 (lunch):

6 x 3 @ bw+45
1 x 1 @ bw + 55
3 x 1 @ bw + 65

1 x 12 @ 95
3 x 6 @ 115

Bar Dips:
4 x 12

Workout 2: (evening)

Group trail run w/ DMT. Dry Gulch trail. 56 minutes slow. Unknown distance. Amy and I turned around early because we were still feeling beat up from Imogene.

Gorgeous evening!

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

crossfit-ish again

Warmup: pushups and walking lunges


21, 15, 9 x {pullup, ring dip, ball slam @ 10# ball}

Time: 9:39
HR high: 171

Middle set of pullups broken, all dip sets broken

This really highlights my weakness on the dips. All the other stuff went really fast, but I was doing dips in sets of 2-5. Wrist is sore for some reason.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

crossfit experiment


5 rounds of:

5 pullups
10 pushups
15 air squats


5 rounds of:

5 x sprint start
2 x tire rope pull @ tire +45
10 x ball slam @ 10 pound ball

The sprint start (idea from Gym Jones site) wasn't very hard. I must be doing something wrong. Need to see a video.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Imogene Pass Run

17.1 miles, ~5000 feet climb, ~4000 feet descent, top-out at 13,120 feet.

Did it in 3:46, an improvement of about 30 minutes since my last one two or three years ago. Felt pretty good. Passed a lot of people near the top of the climb and on the way down, even though I was moving at a crawl on the last few climbs. In the unofficial results I was 100th overall, out of some 1200 registrants (don't know how many actually started & finished). I suspect I'll end up much lower in the official results; people were saying there were timing problems and my time just isn't that fast. UPDATE: Offical results place me at 381 out of 1300 starters; official time 3:45:31. My summit split was 2:43. This means I hit about a 16 minute pace going up, 8:45 pace going down, and 13:11 overall.

This was my first long run since the White River 50, and I think adding the Crossfit on top of a summer-long slow aerobic base was a good idea. I still need to be able to climb faster at the top.

According to plan, I took the downhill hard from the beginning. Unfortunately I kind of burned up after dropping a couple thousand feet in a couple miles. I took a caffeineated gel that I had brought with me, which helped a lot, but the flats about halfway down were tough. I sped up again after that.

My calorie intake was about right, but I got fairly dehydrated. It was very cold and hard to drink at the top (probably close to freezing, with a strong wind).

On the way back, we were nearly first-on-scene of a major motorcycle-vs-SUV accident. Some guy decided that the best way to learn to ride a Harley (he didn't know how to ride a motorcycle) was to go out without a helmet on a busy two-lane highway; he apparently swerved right into them. He was in bad shape: two distal limb amputations (one hand and one foot), major closed head injury, bad GCS, etc. I held a jaw thrust on him to try to keep his airway open until EMS eventually showed up. Worst trauma I've seen in a long time.

Monday, September 05, 2005

Labor Day

Workout 1 (early afternoon):

100 kipping pullups
100 ring dips

All sets of 5 on the dips, mixed sets of 5 and a few of 10 on pullups.

Felt much easier than last time I did something similar.

Workout 2 (evening):

Warmup: 2 x long rope pull @ tire sled

2 x up-driveway drag @ tire
4 x up-driveway drag @ tire + 45
2 x up-driveway drag @ tire

Time to taper a bit for Imogene.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

hill run

Haflin Creek trail. Extremely wet, overgrown. I intended to go all the way to the ridge, but there were so many prickly plants bent down into the trail that I turned around before the final climb. Ran back down and did a couple laps up and down from the bottom to a large deadfall in the trail.

Unknown distance. Lots of climb. About 1:50.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

misc training

warmup: air squats, pullups, pushups, walking lunges

2 x tire drag up driveway @ tire
4 x tire drag up driveway @ + 45

Used ski poles on drag to engage upper body

Bunch of pullups
Bunch of pushups
Bunch of situps

Friday, September 02, 2005

rest day

No workouts today.

Thoughts on recent books:

Killing Rain -- Barry Eisler
I actually didn't think this was as good as some of the previous Rain novels. The action and settings are good, as always. But the writing isn't quite as tight, and Rain's moral overhaul seems a bit overdone in places. Still, well worth reading.

Under the Banner of Heaven -- John Krakauer
The best of Krakauer's books thus far. Since he's writing about the LDS church and not personal experiences, he's less self-indulgent than in his other books. This helps bring his excellent writing style to the fore.

The Fundamentalist LDS movement is a superb example of Paul Berman's thesis (in Terror and Liberalism) that totalitarian thought systems, whether religious or political, inevitably spawn death-cult offshoots.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

double today

At lunch:

bouldering on climbing wall
1 x 20 strict pullups @ BW
clean practice (form) with bar
pushups on balance disc

After work:

group trail run. Big Canyon->SE Rim->Well Road->Cowboy->Big Canyon
6-ish miles, ~ 1 hour. Legs felt tired--looking forward to a day off tomorrow.

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

simple upper body

overhead squat x 10 @ 45, 65

5 rounds of:

6 x bench @ 115
5 x pullup at bodyweight +35

2 x 5 weighted pushup @ +25
snatch & clean practice with bar

Tuesday, August 30, 2005


Crossfit standard:

21, 15, 9 reps of:

thruster @ 95

I haven't done thrusters in probably 6-8 months, so my form was off. I think I pretty much did push-presses for the first set; got a little better in subsequent sets.


Monday, August 29, 2005

hill repeats

On Animas Mountain at lunch:

warmup ~10 mins to top of switchbacks
4 x 1 minute uphill sprint, 4 minute rest
cooldown -- jog back to parking lot

Sunday, August 28, 2005

uphill run

Goulding trail. Ankle started getting sore at the top. Took it moderately hard up and easy down. Did a couple of detours to explore side trails. Discovered a possible new bouldering site near the bottom.

6+ miles, ~2200+ feet climb & descent; top is around 10k feet. 2 hours.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

a little improvisation

The weather was very ominous by the time I got around to trying to run, so I did this instead:

2 x 10 overhead squat @ 45
2 x 5 ice tool pullups
walking lunges

5 rounds of:
5 x C&J @ 75
10 pushups
15 air squats
5 pullups @ BW+35 (some sets broken)

I didn't push this real hard.

2 x 30 second uphill bounding sprint with ski poles
2 x 30 second uphill sprint w/ tire sled @ 45, ski poles

5 x pullups @ BW+35
ice tool pullups
spar pro work from fence

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Thursday night run

Perin's Peak with DMT. Steep, rough, and very overgrown. Maybe 6 miles?

Took both the uphill and downhill pretty hard. Wanted to see if my ankles are recovered enough from the ultra to hold up on a very rough trail; they did fine.

Great views!

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

stress test

Had a cardiac stress test today to see if they can find the source of my occasional arrhythmias. About 15 minutes on the treadmil, working up to anaerobic levels. Nothing showed up on the ECG; the doc said "You are in superb physical condition; don't worry about it."

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

strength day

Warmup: overhead squats @ 45, snatch w/ 22 pound fitness bar

5x1 overhead press, working up to 95
5x1 push press, working up to 115
5x1 push jerk, working up to 125

Alternated these exercises with 8x5 pullups @ BW+25.

Monday, August 22, 2005


5 rounds of:

5 x clean & jerk
10 asymmetric plyo pushups (broken into 2 x 5) *
15 air squats

Forgot to set my timer. Started with 95 for the first set of C&J, switched to 75 for the following sets.

Afterward, I did one set of 17 kipping pullups.

*asymmetric plyo pushups: one hand on stability disc, one hand on floor. Explode upward in a standard plyo pushup, then switch hands for the eccentric. Repeat.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Uncompahgre Peak

Climbed Uncompahgre peak (14309', Hinsdale county highpoint, 6th highest in CO) with Kurt from the Nellie Creek trailhead. Took us 1:30 up at a brisk but not brutal pace; 2:30 down with a number of breaks for views, etc. Lots of driving: approx 2 hours from Silverton to the bottom of the Nellie Creek road, over Engineer pass, then 4 more miles of 4x4 driving to the trailhead. I got more than my fill of 4x4 between that and the pass.

This is probably the physically easiest of the five 14er routes I've done, but definitely the most difficult vehicle access. It would be much easier from the Lake City side, but that's an even longer drive from Durango.

We bivied at the trailhead under clear skies with lots of dew and frost. My WM Ultralite bag was great; my Integral Designs bag cover had a lot of condensation on the inside, but still kept the sleeping bag reasonably dry.

Friday, August 19, 2005

nothing today

Tweaked my ankle again last night at trail run, so I took the day off--need to be back on track for a climb Sunday.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Thursday night group trail run

Horse Gulch-->Telegraph-->Anasazi-->Stacey's-->Meadow

6.2 ish. Took it pretty hard on the climbs, easy on the flats, moderate on the downhills. Ankle felt OK.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Today's workout

Crossfit: "Helen"

3 rounds for time:

400m run (treadmill)
21 x DB swing @ 45
pullups (kipping)

time: 13:58

getting started

So I guess this is my new workout/outdoor/musing journal. I have tried many different workout log methods over the years (pen and paper, Excel spreadsheets, text files, on-line running logs, etc.), to no avail. We'll see how this format does.