Tuesday, January 31, 2006

easy day;climbing wall; pullups

30 or so minutes on the climbing wall.
Team pullup ladder 1-10.

Monday, January 30, 2006

interval; tabata circuit

Warmup: 1 - 8 KB Swing Breathing Ladder @ 36

Tabata Circuit:
Pushup: 24-16-10-10-10-11-10-9; total 91
Situp: 12-12-11-10-12-12-11-12; total 92
Pullup: 9-7-4-5-4-4-4-5; total 42
Thruster @ 55# bar: 10-7-7-6-6-6-5-8; total 55

Thrusters were tough!

Wrap-Up: 4 x carry, 55# DB in suitcase position, 36# KB overhead

Sunday, January 29, 2006

ice climb; play

Ice climb with Aaron at Cascade. Had one good power endurance climb on the left mixed route and a couple of moderate ice routes.

Got home and did a bunch of 15-20 second sprints while dragging Ian in his snow sled--lots of fun!

At the end of the day I did a bunch of untimed sets of 10 KB swings @ 36 + 10 ball slams @ 10 + 5 pullups, followed by several sets of KB clean & press @ 36.

A varied and fun day.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

endurance; short road run; slow & steady

Slow & steady CR 223 out & back. 6 miles, ~450' climb per Suunto, cold.

Time 59:25. Avg HR 144. Kept the HR around 148 for the whole 3 mile climb back. Didn't watch it on the descent out.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

strength; Deadlift

Warmup: snatch & overhead squat

5 x 135
3 x 185
3 x 205
3 x 235
1 x 255 (felt easy)
miss @ 275
3 x 3 @ 235
2 x 3 @ 185 on 4" aerobic step
1 x 3 @ 135 sumo
1 x 3 @ 185 sumo

Short Farmer's Walks @ 60, 65

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

circuit;power endurance; "Jonesworthy"

jumping jacks, pushups, back extensions, OHS

Jonesworthy (from Gym Jones)

Squat 80-64-50-32-16-8 reps
36# kettlebell swing 40-32-25-16-8-4 reps
Pull-ups 20-16-12-8-4-2 reps

Time 19:42. Max HR 176. Avg HR 159. HR over 155 16:00 (just discovered this feature on the Suunto); need to use it more and set it higher.

First time w/ this workout, but I think it will have to make regular appearances. A challenging power endurance effort with all the right muscle groups. There are 36# and 53# versions, but I am not yet anywhere near being able to swing the 53# KB for those kinds of reps.

Finished with a mild bench effort: 5 x 95, 5 x 115, 3 x 135

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

climbing wall

30-40 minutes easy on the climbing wall. Carried the 36# KB to/from the rec ctr (Kurt carried there, I carried back) for extra grip work. Did a few KB swings & presses in between laps on the wall.

Monday, January 23, 2006

interval; upper body

Warmup: overhead squats, jumping jacks


Tabata Thrusters @ 45# bar: 11,10,10,10,9,9,8,9
Tabata Push Press @ 22# bar: 24,18.,18,16,15,18,18,20

High Rep Bench Press:
20 x 75#
10 x 65#
20 x 55#
20 x 45#
Time 4:41

3 rounds (untimed) of:
10 pullups
2 x 50# DB farmers walk
20 x situp @ 7# medicine ball

Today is the start of a new test program:


R = Rest
I = Interval (1-5 minute blocks, rest, repeat)
E = Endurance (over 30 minutes, moderate HR)
P = Power Endurance (10-30 minutes, tempo HR)
S = Strength (heavy weights)

Endurance is always running/hiking/biking
Strength is always weights, working up to 1-3 rep maxes
Interval/Power Endurance can be circuit/chipper/running/biking

3-day blocks, then rest day

M T W Th F Sa Su
Wk 1 I R P S R E P
Wk 2 I R E P S R E
Wk 3 S P R E S P E
Wk 4 R E S I R E P
Wk 5 I R E P R E S
Wk 6 De-load

Strength days will focus on the "MaxEffort" exercise.
Circuit/chipper days will feature the "RepEffort" exercise with high reps, mixed in with other exercises.

MaxEffort RepEffort
Wk 1 Deadift-based Overhead-Based
Wk 2 Squat-based Pullup-based
Wk 3 Overhead-based Deadlift-based
Wk 4 Pullup-based Squat-based
Wk 5 Clean-based Swing-based
Wk 6 De-load

Sunday, January 22, 2006

endurance; intermediate trail run

Trail run 1:53. Sale Barn->Ext Well Rd->Big Cyn->South Rim->out & back to Cowboy

Distance unknown; maybe ~10 miles? Avg HR 137.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

ice climbing

Ice climbing at Cascade with Kurt and Colby. Climbed 5-6 routes of both mixed and ice, all TR. It was a vendor demo day so we got to try leashless tools. Very cool! The Petzl Nomic (?) and the Grivel Monster X were both very nice. Being able to match on the tool and shake out easily seems to help my freezing-hand problems.

Felt strong, again except for the grip. Other than burning forearms I didn't feel very physically challenged.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

easy play

Ian sick today; Kim took him in the morning and I came home around 11:30. Did some play stuff while he napped:

15-20 pullups
many sets of situps and pushups (done over several hours)
about 6-7 sets x 30 air squats
2 or 3 sets of tire flipping with the big old tractor tire I got from the event ctr yesterday

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

strength misc

My knee joint is sore today from the high rep burpees yesterday. May need to avoid those at such high reps in the future. Took it easy.

5 x Farmer's walk @ 55# DBs, various distances +
5 x pullup @ +30, 2-3 pullups @ bw

15 x OHS @ 75; knee started hurting, so called it off
3 x 9 weighted pushup @ +25

tucked lever practice

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

20% Barbara + "Those Burpees Suck"

Carried the 36# KB all the way to the rec ctr, alternating with Kurt
Snatch + OHS @ bar

Started with 1 round of "Barbara":
20 pullups
30 pushups
40 situps
50 air squats

Time 4:54. Realized that I didn't have time to do all 5 rounds, so I switched to Kurt's workout, "Those Burpees Suck" from Gym Jones.
10x Pull-up
20x KB Swing @ 36#
30x Box Jump
40x Push-ups
50x Sit-ups
60x Burpees
10x Pull-ups

We used a lighter KB and lower box than the GJ standard. We are not used to putting the hands overhead on the burpees, so I forgot at least 1/3 the time.

Time 16:08.

Monday, January 16, 2006

ice climbing

First ice climbing day of the season, at Cascade with Aaron. It was pretty cold out and my hands suffered badly. I am wondering if I ought to just give up on ice climbing--my hands are just abnormally susceptible to cold, it seems. I make it about half to 3/4 of a pitch and they just stop working right. This is even with hand warmer packs applied directly to the insides of my wrists.

My forearms are definitely a weak point--we did 4 or 5 pretty hard mixed climbs and I didn't feel physically taxed at all, except in my forearms, which are smoked. My technique is weak, and my grip is weak. I can fix the grip with correct training. Technique is a matter of getting out more often. And the cold hands? Who knows...

Sunday, January 15, 2006

play; easy kettlebells

I was feeling pretty tired today, so I just played with the KBs a bit. Some asymmetric farmer's carries; cleans; and many sets of 1-arm presses with the 36# KB.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

long run

Long run similar to last week. Horse Gulch->Rocky Road lower trail->connector trail->Flame Out->Raider Ridge->Rocky Road->Telegraph->Anasazi->Rabbit Trail->Meadow Loop->Rocky Road lower trail->connector trail->Horse Gulch.

I think I missed a turn on the Rabbit Trail and cut it a little shorter than last week with some unintentional bushwhacking, but it's hard to tell exactly where that trail goes with the snow. I certainly made up any lost distance and then some with the extra stuff on Raider Ridge.

Time: 3:07. Avg HR 137. ~2500 ft climb per the Suunto.

Ran through this huge flock of crows on the connector trail. It was kinda weird.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

CR314 short tempo run

CR314 short tempo run. 4.4 miles. Slow warmup & cooldown with some tempo running in between.

Time 40:50. Avg HR 152.

Cold with very high winds; pretty miserable on the way out.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

tag team

With Kurt & Rolfe (his first time).

Part 1:
Station 1: 5 ring pushups, feet elevated
Station 2: DB thrusters until station 1 is complete (I used 20# dbs)
Station 3: Situps
Rotate stations for 5 rounds, minimum rest

After 5 rounds, Rolfe dropped out, so we eliminated the situp station and Kurt and I went 5 more rounds for a total of 50 ring pushups. My thrusters were in the 8-12 range per round, depending on how long the pushup station took.

Part 2:
Station 1: Power clean @ 95 (Kurt did DL @ 95, R did DB deadlifts), 12-9-6-3 reps
Station 2: "Rest" while hanging from bar in tucked lever until station 1 is finished
Station 3: Box jumps, 24-18-12-6 reps
Time 12:44

I like the concept of the "slow man punishes the fast man"--in other words, X does an exercise until Y is finished with a fixed number of reps. This makes the stronger man work harder on the off exercise.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

crossfit misc

20 x Turkish Get-Up @ 30# db
20 x Knees-to-Elbows
15 x flying burpee
15 x pullup
10 x weighted pushup @ +25
10 x DB bench press @ 45
5 x DB push press @ 35
5 x DB push jerk @ 25

Time 14:56. The TGUs took almost half of the time and weren't terribly challenging. Need to figure out what to do with them, since putting them in a workout like this doesn't seem to work all that well.

1 x 8, 3 x 6 "ring" pushups with feet elevated. For "rings", we took long slings and girth hitched them to the Smith machine bar, with cable machine handles girth hitched to the other end.

Monday, January 09, 2006

deadlift, jump, push -- heavier

Parisi drills, pullups, pushups, air squats, OHS, back extension

21, 15, 9 reps of the triplet:

deadlift @ 185
box jump
weighted pushup @ +25

Time 14:25. This was seriously tough--a 50 pound increase on the DL weight for any timed workout. My form slipped on a couple of jumps on the 2nd set--didn't quite get full extension due to balance/fatigue problems. Sometime we need to measure the box (aerobic steps stacked up 4 or 5 high). It's in the 18-20" range.

The hardest part was keeping my form strict on the DL. Had to take more rest than perhaps would have otherwise been necessary, but I didn't want to slip up and get hurt.

Pullup combo: weighted @ +45 db, then strict, then kipping, all without coming off the bar.
2 sets:
3, 5, 2
2, 4, 2

Sunday, January 08, 2006

long run; new technical trail

Long run in Horse Gulch area.

Raider Ridge via Flame Out->Rocky Road->Telegraph->Anasazi->Rabbit Trail

The new Rabbit Trail is great. Long, steep, technical. Ran a bunch of it through ankle deep snow, which made it more challenging.

Time: 2:57. Distance unknown. Maybe ~14-15 miles?
Avg HR 138. 2440 feet of climb per the Suunto.

Saturday, January 07, 2006


Kim has been sick as a dog and I'm worried about catching it, so another very light day. Just took the 53# kettlebell and did a few sets of easy swings and a bunch of 1-arm farmer's walks.

Friday, January 06, 2006

climbing wall

~40 minutes of easy bouldering on the climbing wall.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

strength/technique day

Jog to rec ctr & back
Parisi drills, pushups, a few burpees
shoulder warmup with OHP triples and quints with low weights

Overhead Press: 1 x 95, 100, 105 (miss), 95, 95, 95
Push Press: 1 x 95, 105, 115, 125, 135
Push Jerk: 1 x 135, 140, 140

Snatch and 3x Overhead Squat: 65, 75, 85, 85, 95 (miss)
Front Squat: 95 x 5
Good Morning: 95 x 5
3 x Back Squat, 3 x GM, 3 x Back Squat: 95

Comments: Pretty sore from the last two days. Need better balance on the push jerk. Almost dropped the 95# snatch.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

"nicole" -- squat, pull, dip, clean

I'll call the "Women of Crossfit" workout "Nicole" for short... Done with 3x pullup/dip substitution for the muscle-ups.

50 air squats
21 pullups
21 bar dips
10 hang cleans @ 95

3 rounds.

Time 15:31. Someone took my hang clean bar after the first set, so I had to build another one and simultaneously lost some time and got some rest. A 70 second improvement over last time, even with the break.

Play: barbell TGUs @ 45# bar.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Sky Ute Scuffle 2

Jog to/from rec ctr.
Parisi drills
bar hangs

Workout - "Sky Ute Scuffle 2" - a variation on 10/12, in turn a variation on a GJ workout
Turkish Get-Up @ 20# db, alternating sides
Sumo Dead High Pull @ 60# fixed bar (regular BBs all being used)
DB Swing @ 37.5# DB (40 was being used)

1 minute of each exercise, no rest between exercises. 3 rounds w/ 1 minute rest between rounds.

TGU: 9,6,8
SHDP: 20,14,16
Pushups: 34,25,22
DB Swing: 22,22,22
Pullups: 7,14,13 (somebody cut in on me during first set)

I took no rest after 1st round due to losing half my pullup time.

Total Score: 254. Improved over last time even w/o the TGUs, though the weights were slightly lighter. Lots of New Year's resolution people crowding the gym making it hard to get the equipment I wanted.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Easy day

1) Snowshoed for a couple of hours w/ Kim at Cascade Creek.

2) Fooled around a bit in the garage with some pullups, pushups, plank pulls, and swings. My shoulder seems to be pain-free and working normally again. Played with my new 53# kettlebell. Doing swings isn't too bad, but definitely harder than swinging a 55# DB. Tried a couple of cleans and a couple of jerks from the rack position. Really tough! I am going to need to get a 36# KB and work up to other stuff besides swings.

I also did some one-arm farmer's walks with the KB. Very cool! The thicker handle gives a nice burn.

Sunday, January 01, 2006