Friday, September 30, 2005

easy upper body

Finally feeling better enough to train a bit.

5, 8 pullups

5 slow rounds of:

5 x pullup @ bw + 25
12 x bar dip

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Helen, plus other stuff

Warmup: overhead squats, air squats, pushups


3 rounds of

1/4 mi treadmill run
21 DB swing @ 50#
12 pullups

Time: 12:27, Avg HR 159, Max HR 182

Waiting for the treadmill to warm up kills my avg HR.

Rest 5 mins, then:

3 x DL @ 185 + 3 x standing long jump
3 x DL @ 195 + 3 x standing long jump
3 x DL @ 205 + 3 x depth jump off bench

1 x clean & push jerk @ 135 (tied PR!)

20 x bar dips

Workout 2 (evening):

Every minute, for 10 minutes:

5 pullups
5 ring dips

Total 50 each.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005


Warmup: overhead squats

25 pullups
25 one-arm DB clean & press @ 40, alternating arms
25 bar dips
25 deadlift @ 95
25 weighted pushups @ +10
25 burpees


Max HR: 184 (during deadlifts)
Avg HR: 153

The bar dips and weighted pushups lowered my average HR. Need something more complex here.


25 x floor wiper @ 22 pound bar
2 x 12 bar dips

Monday, September 19, 2005

bouldering; crossfit improv

Workout 1 (lunch):

bouldering at X-Rock (boxcar)

Workout 2 (evening):

Warmup: walking lunges, pushups

5 rounds of:

10 pullups
6 ball throw and chase @ 20# ball
10 ring dips
10 DB swing @ 35# DB

Time 12:55

Max HR: 161
Average HR: 145

Need to get that HR higher.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

climbing, and another SAR

Climbed two routes at East Animas with Aaron. Unknown names & rating. Cleaned the first one, fell on the second. Amazing views.

Had just gotten home and had to turn around for a mtn bike injury near Junction Creek. A short carry out on the wheel.

SAR mission

I was just getting ready to leave for a bike ride yesterday when we got a call for an injured hunter in the West Virginia Gulch area. It turned into a 10-hour mission with some good exercise. Injured ankle in very rough terrain.

Friday, September 16, 2005

"employee appreciation day"

Work paid for a train ride up to Cascade Wye today, followed by a picnic lunch. A few of us decided to hike out to Purg instead of riding the train back.

4-5 miles easy; ~2 hours, ~1800 ft climb.

Ate too much.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

conventional day

Workout 1 (lunch):

6 x 3 @ bw+45
1 x 1 @ bw + 55
3 x 1 @ bw + 65

1 x 12 @ 95
3 x 6 @ 115

Bar Dips:
4 x 12

Workout 2: (evening)

Group trail run w/ DMT. Dry Gulch trail. 56 minutes slow. Unknown distance. Amy and I turned around early because we were still feeling beat up from Imogene.

Gorgeous evening!

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

crossfit-ish again

Warmup: pushups and walking lunges


21, 15, 9 x {pullup, ring dip, ball slam @ 10# ball}

Time: 9:39
HR high: 171

Middle set of pullups broken, all dip sets broken

This really highlights my weakness on the dips. All the other stuff went really fast, but I was doing dips in sets of 2-5. Wrist is sore for some reason.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

crossfit experiment


5 rounds of:

5 pullups
10 pushups
15 air squats


5 rounds of:

5 x sprint start
2 x tire rope pull @ tire +45
10 x ball slam @ 10 pound ball

The sprint start (idea from Gym Jones site) wasn't very hard. I must be doing something wrong. Need to see a video.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Imogene Pass Run

17.1 miles, ~5000 feet climb, ~4000 feet descent, top-out at 13,120 feet.

Did it in 3:46, an improvement of about 30 minutes since my last one two or three years ago. Felt pretty good. Passed a lot of people near the top of the climb and on the way down, even though I was moving at a crawl on the last few climbs. In the unofficial results I was 100th overall, out of some 1200 registrants (don't know how many actually started & finished). I suspect I'll end up much lower in the official results; people were saying there were timing problems and my time just isn't that fast. UPDATE: Offical results place me at 381 out of 1300 starters; official time 3:45:31. My summit split was 2:43. This means I hit about a 16 minute pace going up, 8:45 pace going down, and 13:11 overall.

This was my first long run since the White River 50, and I think adding the Crossfit on top of a summer-long slow aerobic base was a good idea. I still need to be able to climb faster at the top.

According to plan, I took the downhill hard from the beginning. Unfortunately I kind of burned up after dropping a couple thousand feet in a couple miles. I took a caffeineated gel that I had brought with me, which helped a lot, but the flats about halfway down were tough. I sped up again after that.

My calorie intake was about right, but I got fairly dehydrated. It was very cold and hard to drink at the top (probably close to freezing, with a strong wind).

On the way back, we were nearly first-on-scene of a major motorcycle-vs-SUV accident. Some guy decided that the best way to learn to ride a Harley (he didn't know how to ride a motorcycle) was to go out without a helmet on a busy two-lane highway; he apparently swerved right into them. He was in bad shape: two distal limb amputations (one hand and one foot), major closed head injury, bad GCS, etc. I held a jaw thrust on him to try to keep his airway open until EMS eventually showed up. Worst trauma I've seen in a long time.

Monday, September 05, 2005

Labor Day

Workout 1 (early afternoon):

100 kipping pullups
100 ring dips

All sets of 5 on the dips, mixed sets of 5 and a few of 10 on pullups.

Felt much easier than last time I did something similar.

Workout 2 (evening):

Warmup: 2 x long rope pull @ tire sled

2 x up-driveway drag @ tire
4 x up-driveway drag @ tire + 45
2 x up-driveway drag @ tire

Time to taper a bit for Imogene.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

hill run

Haflin Creek trail. Extremely wet, overgrown. I intended to go all the way to the ridge, but there were so many prickly plants bent down into the trail that I turned around before the final climb. Ran back down and did a couple laps up and down from the bottom to a large deadfall in the trail.

Unknown distance. Lots of climb. About 1:50.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

misc training

warmup: air squats, pullups, pushups, walking lunges

2 x tire drag up driveway @ tire
4 x tire drag up driveway @ + 45

Used ski poles on drag to engage upper body

Bunch of pullups
Bunch of pushups
Bunch of situps

Friday, September 02, 2005

rest day

No workouts today.

Thoughts on recent books:

Killing Rain -- Barry Eisler
I actually didn't think this was as good as some of the previous Rain novels. The action and settings are good, as always. But the writing isn't quite as tight, and Rain's moral overhaul seems a bit overdone in places. Still, well worth reading.

Under the Banner of Heaven -- John Krakauer
The best of Krakauer's books thus far. Since he's writing about the LDS church and not personal experiences, he's less self-indulgent than in his other books. This helps bring his excellent writing style to the fore.

The Fundamentalist LDS movement is a superb example of Paul Berman's thesis (in Terror and Liberalism) that totalitarian thought systems, whether religious or political, inevitably spawn death-cult offshoots.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

double today

At lunch:

bouldering on climbing wall
1 x 20 strict pullups @ BW
clean practice (form) with bar
pushups on balance disc

After work:

group trail run. Big Canyon->SE Rim->Well Road->Cowboy->Big Canyon
6-ish miles, ~ 1 hour. Legs felt tired--looking forward to a day off tomorrow.