Wednesday, February 22, 2006


Been feeling a bit under the weather, so I'm taking some rest days.

Monday, February 20, 2006

ice climb; "Stairway to Heaven"

Climbed "Stairway to Heaven" (WI 4, 800+ feet) in Eureka with Aaron. My first big multipitch ice climb. One steep, long, pretty hard pitch, some easy WI 3 stuff, and a long brittle pitch of 3+ or 4-.

It was mentally challenging for me even as the second--just a totally different experience than ice cragging. Physically I felt good; being in shape helped a lot. Calves are sore afterwards, forearms fatigued, but that's about it.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

a bit of recovery work

Did some easy sled dragging and KB RDLs. Feeling tired and unmotivated, so another easy day.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

endurance; slow road run

6 miles CR223. A couple of inches of fresh, sloppy snow, so the trails would have been mudholes. Very slow & easy. ~60 minutes.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

circuit; DL-TGU-PJ

30 x deep single DB DL @ 55
20 x Turkish Get Up @ 36# KB (10 each side)
10 x Push Jerk @ 36# KB

made it through 2 full rounds + 30 DLs in ~20 minutes, then decided I was out of time.

There must be some efficiency I'm missing in the TGUs, since I don't feel like I'm working brutally hard, just slow. Still, a tiring workout--the TGUs are a grind.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

strength; circuit

OHS, snatch @ bar

heavy weighted pullups, worked up to 1 x BW+90
failed at BW+100
worked down to 3x3 @ BW+45

3 rounds of:
5 x snatch @ 65
walking lunge @ 2x 30# DBs, 20 steps
10 x knees-to-elbows

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

power endurance circuit; "Jonesworthy"


Squat 80-64-50-32-16-8 reps
36# kettlebell swing 40-32-25-16-8-4 reps
Pull-ups 20-16-12-8-4-2 reps

Time 18:37. PR by ~60 seconds.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

endurance; long trail run

Long trail run in Sale Barn area. Unknown distance, perhaps 15 miles?

Time 2:57. Avg HR 137. 1320' climb per the Suunto.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

strength; overhead work

Had Ian all day today. During his nap, many sets of:

overhead press
waiter walk
push jerk
overhead hold
asymmetric double clean + single push jerk

with 36# and 53# KB.

Friday, February 10, 2006

power endurance circuit; "Nicole"


3 rounds x
50 air squats
21 pullups
21 bar dips
10 hang cleans @ 95#

Pullups/dips done intermixed as needed.

Time 14:40. 51 seconds faster than last time.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

moderate run CR314

5.5 miles on CR314, moderate heart rate. Untimed, but ~52 minutes.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006


Knee was a bit sore, so took the day off.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

power endurance; "300" nearly canonical

Warmup: OHS, pushups, stretch

Workout: "300" a la Gym Jones
25 pullups
50 deadlift @ 135
50 pushups
50 box jumps @ 21" aerobic step stack
50 floor wipers @ 135 (unbroken!)
50 KB clean & press @ 36# (alternating 3 reps each arm)
25 pullups

The only way this is short of the official GJ workout is the 21" vs 24" box.

Time 19:35

Kurt says my form on the floor wipers was bad. Could have pushed harder on the KB C&P. Right patellar tendon is sore, either from the box jumps or possibly from yesterday's crossover lunges.

Monday, February 06, 2006

strength; overhead work

Snatch + 3xOHS: 65, 75, 85
OHS: 3 x 95
Overhead Press: 5 x 1 @ 95
Push Press: 105,115,125,125,125
Push Jerk: 1 x 135

Strained a costal cartilage on the OHP, possibly.

Finished with passthrough lunges @ 36# KB, 1-arm KB clean & presses, and 1 arm KB swings, all at 36#.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

kettlebell play

Had to take Ian all day, so during his nap: kettlebell play with the 53#. Did many sets of swings, clean & push jerks, walking swings, pass-through lunges, and various other stuff. Fun!

Saturday, February 04, 2006

SAR mission

SAR mission for a hot air balloon crash up on a cliffside in the Hermosa drainage. Cool helicopter work; simple rope work; decent workout.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

power endurance circuit

Fran light: 21-15-9 x thruster @ 75, pullups
+ 21-15-9 x 2-hand KB clean & press @ 36, knees-to-elbows
+ 21-15-9 x KB swing @ 36 + bar dips

Time 26:42 (7:38 split for Fran light)

Felt sluggish on this workout, and the KTEs killed my average HR. The swings at the end felt pretty easy, which is good.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

endurance; steady effort dirt road run

5.5 miles out & back on CR314. Avg HR 146; tried to keep it in that range. I want to use this as a benchmark to see if the hybrid program improves my ability to run at a given slower HR.

Time 50:25.