Wednesday, April 19, 2006

circuit; circuit (2-a-day)

At Ute Park at lunch:

Warmup: KB circles, medicine ball throws, lunges

Part 1:
5 x slam-double jump @ 10
10 x KB deep deadlift @ 53
20 x KB swing snatch @ 36 (10 each hand)

3 rounds. Time 8:29

Part 2:
10 x ball slam @ 10
10 x box jump
10 x passthrough walking lunge steps @ 53
run to playground
10 x pullups
10 x knees-to-elbows
run back to start

2 rounds. Time 10:08

New exercise:
Pushup on kettlebell->KB 2 hand squat clean->walking lunge w/ KB @ chest

After work:

Crossfit "Murph", done roadwork style: wore HRM and tried to keep HR < 155.

1 mile run
100 pullups
200 pushups
300 air squats
1 mile run

Time 42:33, though I think the runs may have been a bit short based on pace. Partitioned calisthenics as 10 x (10, 20, 30), broken as necessary.

Avg HR 146, Max HR 157. Time over 155, 1:10.

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