Wednesday, May 31, 2006

circuit; BJJ

At lunch:

10 box jump (mid thigh)
10 KB step up @ 36
10 decline pushup
10 CTL combo @ 53

1st round 4:50.
~60 seconds rest
2nd round 5:30

20 x box jump (mid thigh)
20 x KB step up @ 36
20 x KB deep deadlift @ 53
20 x decline pushup
jog to playground
20 x pullup
20 x KTE

Time 9:42.

After work:
Gi BJJ class at DMA

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

climbing wall circuit; BJJ

At lunch with Aaron and Kurt:

climbing wall laps + pushups + atomic situps + KB press @ 36

After work:

no-gi BJJ class at DMA.

Monday, May 29, 2006

endurance; short trail run

Trail run in Raider Ridge area. 47 minutes of good hard running until I landed funny on a downhill and tweaked both my ankle and knee. Had to walk out.

Sunday, May 28, 2006


at home:

tire sprint up driveway to garage @ tire + 45
10 pullups
10 KB push press @ 36 (each hand)

5 rounds, untimed. Tough!

Saturday, May 27, 2006

endurance; long hike/run

Run/hike with Kim. Colorado Trail from Molas Pass east to the big waterfall a couple miles below the Continental Divide. Approx 16 miles, slow and easy. Ran the long downhill, then Kim fell and bruised her knee, so we hiked the rest until we got back to the big climb at the end. Kim walked it and I ran/power hiked it. Barometer was changing, so Suunto was off. Estimate 3500-4000' of climb. Total time about 7h 20m, including breaks. A good day with perfect weather.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

endurance; short road run; no gi BJJ

At lunch on CR314:

~5 miles, 49 minutes. Avg HR 145, Max HR 162. Legs felt tired.

no-gi BJJ class at DMA. Good rolling.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

circuit; SAR; gi BJJ

At Ute Park at lunch:

10 CTL combo @ 53
15 decline pushups (parallelettes)
15 single KB step up at 36
jog to playground
20 pullups
20 KTEs
jog back
15 single KB step up at 36
15 decline pushups (parallelettes)
10 CTL combo @ 53

Short swiftwater SAR mission in Piedra river at Bayfield; didn't really participate

BJJ gi class at DMA--rolled for a long time.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

light circuit; SAR

At home:
10 pullups
10 ball slams @ 20
10 pushups
10 KB swings @ 53

5 rounds, not for time.

SAR mission for technical body recovery near Henderson lake.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

climb; endurance -- trail run

Part 1:
Rock climb with Kurt at X-Rock. Didn't actually manage to get all the way up anything. As usual, spent all the time on routes above my level. Fun nonetheless.

Part 2:
Trail run Animas Mtn loop from 25th Ave side, with Kurt. Took it hard uphill, moderate/easy downhill, with some breaks. Never done this particular loop before. 1 hour 27 minutes, 1440' climb.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

endurace; run + BJJ + MT

Part 1:
Run in Horse Gulch area, 1 hour 27 minutes. Avg HR 144, 1230 feet climb.

Part 2:
Immediately drove to DMA for the kickboxing class. ~45 minutes of hitting pads, pretty hard.

Part 3:
Open mat BJJ. Worked technique + some light rolling, maybe 1 hour total, pretty easy.

endurace; run + BJJ + MT

Part 1:
Run in Horse Gulch area, 1 hour 27 minutes. Avg HR 144, 1230 feet climb.

Part 2:
Immediately drove to DMA for the kickboxing class. ~45 minutes of hitting pads, pretty hard.

Part 3:
Open mat BJJ. Worked technique + some light rolling, maybe 1 hour total, pretty easy.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

endurance; short trail run

Animas City Mtn at lunch. 33 minutes.

Up 20 minutes (hard), avg HR 161, max 173, 15:40 over 155. 650 feet climb.
Down 13 minutes, avg HR 152, 5:00 over 155.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

endurance; short trail run

Animas City Mtn at lunch. Time 47:36, approx 28 up, 19 down. No heart rate monitor today. 860' climb.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

circuit;jump-step-lunge etc

At Ute Park at lunch.

Round 1:
10 x box jump @ mid-thigh
10 x step-up on box @ 36# KB
10 x CTL combo @ 53# KB
run to playground
10 x pullups
10 x KTE
Run back to start
Time 6:51

Round 2:
10 x box jump @ mid-thigh
10 x step-up on box @ 36# KB
10 x CTL combo @ 53# KB
Time ~5m

Round 3:
10 x KB snatch @ 36 + 2 overhead walking lunge steps (alternating arms)

Round 4:
2 sets 2 x KB snatch @ 36 + 2 overhead walking lunge steps (alternating arms)

Round 5:
2 x 10 KB bent-over row @ 53, each arm

Monday, May 15, 2006


Gi class at DMA.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

circuit; .5 * "Murph"

Feeling better with the help of antihistamines. Walked a 1 mile trail fun run with Ian in Horse Gulch while Kim did the 10k. His first race and he did great!

Later at home did half of of Crossfit's "Murph": 1 mile run + 50 pullups + 100 pushups + 150 air squats, done 5+10+15 for 10 rounds. Kept HR below 155. Time 22:17.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

SAR training

Swiftwater awareness training in the Animas. Lots of fun swimming in easy whitewater. Cold!

Friday, May 12, 2006

easy KB workout

Been sick or allergic or something all week. It really sucks.

Did a few sets of kettlebell swings, walking lunges, and overhead presses. That's it.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

endurance; long trail run

Trail run with Kim, out & back on Jones Creek/Pinkerton-Flagstaff South. Slow and easy, multiple breaks. 2 hours 30 minutes. Still feeling the aftereffects of my cold. ~12 miles?

Avg HR 135, 2140 feet climb on the Suunto.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

sick again; BJJ/kickboxing

Spent three days in Denver working and was sick again!

Feeling better and got back into the swing today with 1 hour kickboxing class and ~1 hour open mat no-gi BJJ.

Monday, May 01, 2006

endurance; easy run

Took 4 days off due to sickness.

Today at lunch: easy road/trail run w/ Steve S. along the river. 33 minutes.