Sunday, December 31, 2006

met con--chipper

1) Max burpees in 10 minutes: 91. 5 minutes rest.
2) 100 KB swing snatches @ 35# in 5:27. 5 minutes rest.
3) 50 KB clean & push press in about 3:45.

Friday, December 29, 2006


5 x pullup (strict, on rope handles)
10 x elevated ring pushups (cable handles suspended from Smith machine)
15 x KB swing @ 53

Max rounds in 20 minutes.

8 complete rounds in 18:40 and I was done. I was getting only 6-7 consecutive ring pushups in the later rounds.

Thursday, December 28, 2006


Romanian DL:
5 @ 135, 165, 185, 205, 215

Weighted Dip:
5 @ +25, +35, +45, +45, +45

2x DB Walking Lunge:
10 @ 40s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 40s

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

circuit--"tears & power" variation

Based on a GJ workout:

Knees-to-Elbows 20, 5, 10, 15
KB Swing @ 53# 5, 10, 15, 20
Pull-up 10, 15, 20, 5
Goblet Squat @ 53# 15, 20, 5, 10

Time 16:36.

20 x dips @ BW
5 (each arm) x KB press @ 53
Misc farmer's walks

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

endurance--short road run

CR223, 6 miles. Total time 55:31. Avg HR 150, max HR 169, 34:20 over 149. Took the downhill moderate, then moderate on the uphill to just before the gas well, then kept HR in the low 160s until the top of the hill.

Sunday, December 24, 2006


In the morning:
12 @ bw
5 x 5 @ +35

Ring Dips:
5 x 10

Sledge Swings:
5 x 20 (10 each arm) @ 16# hammer

In the afternoon:
Asymmetric farmer's walk @ 53,35# KBs, approx 10 trips to near failure.

Saturday, December 23, 2006


Did sprints while dragging Ian on his sled. Several slow warmup reps up the driveway, then 3 or 4 full speed uphill, then 10 reps max effort on the flats. Knee is sore now.

Friday, December 22, 2006

strength, skill

10 x pullups @ bw
5 x pullups @ +25
4 x 4 pullups @ +35

Misc ring dips

Skate skiing lesson at Vallecito with Kurt and company. Lots of fun. Skiied about 6km, not fast enough for a real workout.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

endurance w/ interval

Run CR223, approx 4 miles, with intervals. Time 36 minutes. Avg HR 148, max HR 168.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

circuit; strength

In the living room at home, with lots of snow outside.

10 x KB snatch @ 35 (5 each arm)
10 x pushups
15 x air squats

Repeat for 20 minutes. 14 rounds.

10,8,6 x KB press @ 35 (each arm)
2 x 15 KB towel curls @ 35
KB towel curl iso hold, twice each arm

KB floor press crunches

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

show shoveling

Several hours of snow shoveling. Low intensity, high volume.

Monday, December 18, 2006

endurance--short road run w/ intervals

CR314, 5.5 miles. Ran the uphills hard. Avg HR 149, max HR 173, 23:20 over 149.

Total time 50:48.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

misc strength

While watching Ian again:

Plank pulls
Air squats
Walking lunges w/ 53# KB
KB presses @ 35

Saturday, December 16, 2006


While trying to look after Ian:

10 x ice tool pullups
10 x ring dips
10 x KB C&J @ 53 (5 each arm)
20 x ball slam @ 20

3 rounds, untimed.

misc KB C&Js @ 35, sledge swings on tire

Thursday, December 14, 2006


Warmup: overhead squats @ bar

Front Squats:
5 @ 95, 115
8 @ 135

Back Squats:
5 @ 145
3 x 4 @ 185
Some mild right knee pain during back squats

10 @ BW
5 @ +25
5 @ +35
3 x 5 @ +45

Plyo pushups, misc

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

endurance--short road run

CR314, 4.4 miles. 43 minutes. Lots of walking due to stomach.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Warmup: 5 x pullups + 10 x pushups + 15 x air squats, 3 rounds.

10 x weighted pushup @ +35
10 x goblet squat @ 65# DB
5 rounds, ~10 mins.

Weighted pullups:
5 @ +35
5 @ +45
3 x 5 @ +55

Monday, December 11, 2006

endurance; strength

Run CR223, 6 miles. Time 57 minutes.

Misc strength work while supervising the Ians playing together:

ring dips
KB overhead press @ 35
ice tool pullups and hangs
sledgehammer swings on tire

no set format, just worked as possible given the situation.

Sunday, December 10, 2006


Warmup: sledgehammer swings, static holds

10 x ball slam @ 20
10 x KB clean & jerk @ 53 (5 each arm)
10 x plyo pushup (on/off of pushup handles)

5 rounds. Time 14:23.

4 x 3 weighted pullup @ + 35.

Friday, December 08, 2006

misc strength

At the fairgrounds at lunch.

Run 800m, 4 minutes
Breathing ladder, KB swing, 1-10
Lots of walking lunges with and without KB
5 x 5 KB push press each side @ 53, try to minimize push

Thursday, December 07, 2006

hike/climb--Guadalupe Peak, Texas state highpoint

Climbed Guadalupe Peak, Texas state highpoint, with Kurt after a few days working in Artesia. Great views, great hike, very cold and windy at the top.

1:35 to the top, 2:39 round trip. Hiked up, ran down.

Approx 8.2 miles round trip, just under 3000' of climb.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

endurance--short road run

Run CR223, 6 miles. Time 56:53 including pitstop.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

ice climb--Cascade

Ice climb at Cascade with Kurt & Aaron. Early season--thin and wet. Did maybe 3 pitches total. Good forearm burns.