Sunday, June 17, 2007

Father's Day workout--endurance; long trail run/hike

Parked at Eureka, ran/hiked the Picayne Gulch/Placer Gulch loop around to Animas Forks, then back down. Approx 15 miles, ~3200 feet climb (almost all of it in the first 6 miles or so).

Climbed most of the way up a peak at the top of the climb, then turned back due to a sketchy snow crossing. On the way back down I almost walked up on some chick getting nude! Don't know what was up--there was a group of Jeep folks up there. Maybe just a costume change? I just tried to discreetly get down the ridge without disturbing them--not sure if they saw me or not. Must have been surprising to see some guy appear out of the middle of nowhere, when you're already way out in the middle of nowhere.

Total time 4:08. Felt good, thought the downhill was long.

Rough Google sat map (Does not show first/last few miles)

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