Sunday, October 30, 2005

moderate run; short crossfit

Run 1:49 slow. Sale Barn->Cowboy->Well Road Extension->Big Canyon->South Rim->Well Road->Cowboy->Sale Barn
Avg HR: 133

21 ice tool pullups + med ball chase @ 20 + 21 pushups on ball + ball carry back
15 ice tool pullups + med ball chase @ 20 + 15 pushups on ball + ball carry back
9 ice tool pullups + med ball chase @ 20 + 9 pushups on ball

Time 6:53

Did this with Aaron; his first Crossfit. He did assisted pullups. His comments: "My arms have never felt like this before" and "I have a weird taste in my mouth"

9, 6, 3 x {thruster @ 35 DBs, tire drag @ 45)
Time: 2:41

Misc walking lunges.