Wednesday, November 30, 2005

climbing wall

I seem to be fighting off a cold (or already have one...), so took it easy again with a climbing wall play day over lunch

Tuesday, November 29, 2005


Chaotic day at work; and I'm catching a cold. Had a great birthday workout planned ("222", or 37 x 6), but it will have to wait.

Monday, November 28, 2005

climbing wall; recovery day

30 minutes or so on the climbing wall w/ Kurt; took it pretty easy. Recovery day.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

intermediate trail run; "Angie"

First Workout (AM):
Sale Barn->Cowboy->Big Canyon->South Rim loop

1:35, Avg HR 137, ~9 miles(?)

Felt pretty good. Ran with the DMT weekend group.

Second Workout (PM):
"Angie" -- 100 pullups (kipping, parallel grip, mostly sets of 5)
100 pushups (mostly sets of 5-10 with very short rests)
100 situps (feet anchored w/ DBs, hands free)
100 air squats
Done in that order.
Total Time: 23:25
Splits: 10:17, 4:43, 4:46, 3:38

First time doing this one. Interesting workout.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

San Juan climb/hike

Went out with Kurt, Aaron, and Rob B. to attempt Sultan and Grand Turk peaks from Molas Pass, but a storm was rolling in. We climbed what Rob calls "Buffalo Ridge" south of Grand Turk instead, since the snow was flying and the wind was getting pretty wild. Probably about 12,500 feet.

Friday, November 25, 2005

pull and dip

100 pullups (kipping, parallel grip)
80 ring dips

Time: 18:50

Last time I did alternating sets of 3; this time I did mini-groups of 10 on pullups and 5 on dips until I hit 100 and 50 respectively at around 14 minutes. Then focused just on dips until I called the exercise at 80 ring dips due to an un-good feeling in my shoulder.

It's definitely harder to do the bigger sets instead of alternating 3s.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Thanksgiving workout: drag, push, pull, etc.

ball slams @ 10, lunges, pushups

Part 1: 3 rounds of
10 x DB thruster @ 25# DBs
uphill tire drag @ tire + 45, to garage
10 pullups
(drag tire downhill to DBs)

Time 8:29

Rest 60-90 seconds,
then Part 2: 3 rounds of
10 x ball slam @ 20# (+ 1 penalty for missed catch)
10 x ring dip

Time 5:12

ice tool pullups
lever practice
31 uphill walking lunges to house

K. tried her first Crossfit workout:
5 rounds of {5 plank pulls, 5 knee pushups, 5 ball throw & chase @ 10}
Time 5:42, a strong mental effort

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

slow trail run

Ran the short Log Chutes loop with K., who just started training again. Very slow; 5.5 miles or so in 66 minutes. Great weather.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

conventional strength day

Warmup: snatch, OHS @ bar

135 x 5, snatch grip
Triples @ 185, 205, 215, 225, 225, 225

10 x bw
6 x bw +25
3 x 6 @ bw + 35

Tucked Lever Practice

Monday, November 21, 2005

"tears & power" variation

DB swing @ 50 5-10-15-20
KTE 20-5-10-15
Weighted Pushup 15-20-5-10
Air Squats 10-15-20-5

Time 11:11

Toes touched ground on some KTE reps.

Single DB Split Box DL:
30 x 50#
20 x 50#

Tucked lever practice.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

intermediate run

Sale Barn->Cowboy->Well Road->Sidewinder->Top of Suicide Hill->out and back

~11-12 miles, 2:20. Avg HR 142. ~1400 ft climb according to Suunto.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

a token effort

Long drive back from Denver; did some pullups, ball slams, swings, pushups but couldn't motivate myself for a really hard effort.

Friday, November 18, 2005

Denver; hotel

Ran 28 minutes outside. Pavement--no fun!

Didn't have time for any calisthenics today.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Denver; hotel

Ran 24 minutes outside on the road, then the same burpee/pushup/squat combo as yesterday, this time in 7:01.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Denver; hotel

15 minutes on the Boredom Machine
21, 15, 9 x
elevated pushup
air squat

Time: 8:11; not particularly inspired.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Denver; hotel

Ran 15 mins on the boredom machine, then 10 minutes up and down the 7 flights of stairs. Forgot to count reps.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Denver; snow

Snowing heavy today; stuck in the hotel.

Did a bunch of pushups and air squats; that's it.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Front Range run

Drove to Denver for work. Ran at Mayer Open Space park near Aspen Hills in Turkey Ck Cyn.

Approx 8.5 miles, 1:34. ~1600 ft. climb.

Friday, November 11, 2005

slam, push, swing

This one needs a name of its own!

15 minutes of:

5 x ball slam @ 10# ball
10 x parallelette pushup
15 x DB swing @ 35

11 rounds in 14:30.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

"180" -- squat variation

Felt like I needed some back squat work instead of standard DLs today. Went with 95 since I haven't done them in ages.

15 pullups
30 back squat @ 95
30 pushups
30 standing broad jumps
30 floor wipers @ 100
30 1-arm DB clean & jerk @ 30
15 pullups

Time 9:52

Misc: tucked levers, pushups, DB bob-and-weaves

2 x 20 single DB box deadlift @ 50

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

off -- a bit under the weather

Had a flu vaccination yesterday; feeling a bit sluggish today with the immune system response, so I took a rest day.

Recently finished "The End of Faith" for the second time through; excellent book. See

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

conventional strength day -- new PRs!

Worked up to PR single @ 265

Weighted Pullups:
12 x bw + 25 (probable PR)
6 x bw + 35
6 x bw + 45

Weighted Dips:
6 x bw + 25
6 x bw + 35
6 x bw + 45

Push Press:
Worked up to doubles @ 125

Monday, November 07, 2005

"tears and power"

Based on a Gym Jones workout:

DBSwing @ 50# 5-10-15-20 reps
Knees-to-Elbows 20-5-10-15 reps
Weighted Push-up @ +25# 15-20-5-10 reps
Squats 10-15-20-5 reps

Time: 12:47

Single DB Box deadlift @ 50:
30 reps
20 reps

Sunday, November 06, 2005

longish run--Jones Creek

Jones Creek->Pinkerton Flagstaff South (out and back)

~12-13 miles slow
~2700 ft climb (Suunto watch)

Perfect fall weather. Felt pretty good; stopped a couple of times to talk to folks on the trail.

Friday, November 04, 2005

low HR run

CR 314, 5.5 miles, 57:30

Avg HR 139

Thursday, November 03, 2005

lunge and push

3 rounds of:

12 walking lunge steps forward, then back @ zero, 20, 25 DBs
12 weighted pushups @ +25 plate
10 bar dips
55, 35, 15 pushups

Forgot to set timer.

Misc tucked levers.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005


A wimpy version of the Gym Jones "300" workout that nearly destroyed me a couple weeks ago:

12 pullups
25 deadlift @ 135
25 pushups
25 broad jumps
25 floor wipers @ 70
25 one arm DB clean & jerk @ 25
13 pullups

Time 8:49. Avg HR 157 Max HR 183

30 DB box deadlift @ 50
Misc tucked levers & KTEs

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Crossfit: strict 'Cindy' lite

14.5 minutes of:
5 pullups
10 pushups
15 squats

Strict--pullups past shoulders, full parallelette pushups, very deep squats

Stopped at 13 rounds due to pain in right knee during deep squats

Various KTE and tucked levers