Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Sky Ute Scuffle 2

Jog to/from rec ctr.
Parisi drills
bar hangs

Workout - "Sky Ute Scuffle 2" - a variation on 10/12, in turn a variation on a GJ workout
Turkish Get-Up @ 20# db, alternating sides
Sumo Dead High Pull @ 60# fixed bar (regular BBs all being used)
DB Swing @ 37.5# DB (40 was being used)

1 minute of each exercise, no rest between exercises. 3 rounds w/ 1 minute rest between rounds.

TGU: 9,6,8
SHDP: 20,14,16
Pushups: 34,25,22
DB Swing: 22,22,22
Pullups: 7,14,13 (somebody cut in on me during first set)

I took no rest after 1st round due to losing half my pullup time.

Total Score: 254. Improved over last time even w/o the TGUs, though the weights were slightly lighter. Lots of New Year's resolution people crowding the gym making it hard to get the equipment I wanted.

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