Tuesday, January 10, 2006

crossfit misc

20 x Turkish Get-Up @ 30# db
20 x Knees-to-Elbows
15 x flying burpee
15 x pullup
10 x weighted pushup @ +25
10 x DB bench press @ 45
5 x DB push press @ 35
5 x DB push jerk @ 25

Time 14:56. The TGUs took almost half of the time and weren't terribly challenging. Need to figure out what to do with them, since putting them in a workout like this doesn't seem to work all that well.

1 x 8, 3 x 6 "ring" pushups with feet elevated. For "rings", we took long slings and girth hitched them to the Smith machine bar, with cable machine handles girth hitched to the other end.

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